RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) Drink merupakan produk terbaru hasil penemuan & inovasi pakar Kesejahteraan Sel & Cancer Survivor yang tersohor di Malaysia, Dr. Noordin Darus. Ia merupakan suatu suppliment Anti-Penuaan suppliment yang PERTAMA SEUMPAMANYA DI DUNIA dan merupakan suatu suppliment yang bukan sahaja menjadikan kita NAMPAK MUDA, tetapi juga RASA MUDA & SIHAT berbanding sebelumnya.
Anda yang mengamalkan RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) Drink ini akan merasa/nampak 5 TAHUN LEBIH MUDA hanya dalam masa 15 Hari mengamalkan produk ini - Guarantee.
Dengan mengamalkan RxYoung setelah 2 bulan dan seterusnya, anda akan rasa lebih ENERGETIC, Rasa & nampak JAUH LEBIH MUDA dari usia anda sekarang dan nampak/rasa sihat serta BERSEMANGAT
Sekarang marilah kita perhatikan satu persatu active ingredients yang unik terdapat di dalam produk RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) yang hebat ini
- RESVERATROL (RxV) - Ia merupakan Anti Oksida paling berkuasa dan merupakan 'Anti-Aging Catalyst' (Pemangkin Anti-Penuaan) yang PALING KUAT DI DUNIA sehingga disebutkan sebagai 'THE FRENCH PARADOX & 100 YEARS OLD' di dalam CNN, ABCNews, FOX News, CBS &FORTUNE Magazine dan digelar 'The Best Anti-Aging Miracle'. Resveratrol (RxV) ditemui oleh Saintis Barat apabila mereka mengkaji 'kepelikan' yang berlaku terhadap orang2 Perancis yang mempunyai Diet yang lebih teruk berbanding orang2 Amerika yang suka memakan Daging, makanan berlemak & Berkalori tinggi, tetapi mereka mempunyai kadar sakit Jantung yang paling rendah serta kulit & tubuh mereka nampak lebih muda berbanding usia yang sama dengan orang2 Amerika. Apabila dikaji, rupa2nya mereka sering meminum Red Wine (Wine Merah) yang mengandungi kadar Resveratrol (RxV) yang tinggi. Resveratrol dikenalpasti sebagai suatu bahan yang bertindak meng-'ON'-kan suis SIRTUIN di dalam Kromosom Sel2 kita. Sirtuin ialah Gen Pelindung yang mengaktifkan Ketahanan semulajadi tubuh kita terhadap penyakit & penuaan (Survival genes activating The Body natural Deffences against Diseases & promotes Youthfullness). Jika ia berada did alam 'OFF' mode, maka badan kita cepat rasa lemah, tak bertenaga & lekas nampak Tua. Resveratrol juga melawan kerosakan Sel dari Radikal Bebas (penyumbang Utama kita kelihatan tua) secara sangat efektif, menyokong kesihatan Jantung & meningkatkan daya Kognitif (sentiasa cergas & bersemangat). Ia menggiatkan proses 'Apoptosis' (iaitu suatu proses mengimbangkan kadar penggantian semula Sel-sel tubuh yang telah mati dengan Sel-sel yang baru - Setiap minit, berjuta-juta Sel kita akan mati dan diganti dengan yang baru, proses Apoptosis ini 'ballance'kan kadar atau 'timing' yang betul 'rate' penggantian Sel-Sel baru ini. Proses ini sangat2 penting dalam usaha untuk membendung penyakit Kanser. Oleh itu, Resveratrol (RxV) mencegah Kanser secara efektif. Resveratrol di dalam RxYoung Drink ini tidak diambil dari Red Wine (kerana mengandungi juga alkohol serta tidak halal), tetapi Dr. Noordin Darus mengambil bahan Resveratrol(RxV) ini dari pokok Japanese Knotweed yang mempunyai bahan Resveratrol (RxV) yang sangat tinggi. 1 sachet RxYoung seumpama kita mengambil RxV dari 10 botol Red Wine (tanpa setitis pun Alkohol) - Hebat kan? RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) adalah suppliment Anti-Aging PERTAMA DI MALAYSIA yang menggunakan Resveratrol (RxV)
- ACAI BERRY - Ia sangat terkenal di hutan Amazon dan digelar Indian Super Food. Ia memberikan kita tidur yang nyenyak, menggalakkan proses Detoksifikasi, meningkatkan Sistem Imun, Tenaga Seks & Penglihatan (Vision). Ia membendung penyakit Cardiovascular & Anti-Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) - membendung masalah2 jangkitan di Pundi Kencing. Ia juga Anti Kekaburan Mata.
- BUAH DELIMA (POMEGRANATE) - Ia menggiatkan Percambahan DNA untuk 'menegangkan kulit', meningkatkan proses Detoksifikasi, mengurangkan radang, Anti-Kedutan, mempunyai Vitamin A,C,E & Folate Acid. Ianya 3X Anti-Oksida yang paling kuat dari Wain, Anti radang sendi, Anti Anemia, mencegah Diabetes, memperbaiki peredaran darah, mengurangkan masalah sakit perut, penjagaan gigi & rambut serta MENINGKATKAN 'AURA SEKSI' (maksud meningkatkan keseksian ini ialah kerana buah Delima mengaktifkan hormon2 yang menimbulkan bentuk-bentuk atau lekuk-lekuk tubuh (samada Wanita mahupun lelaki) dan nampak lebih feminin)
- GRAPE SEED (Biji Anggur) - Mengandungi Vitamin P, Kulit lebih Sihat & Muda, Meningkatkan Kolagen, Meningkatkan Penghadaman & Kesihatan Prostat, Melindungi dari sinar UV, memberikan 'KEANJALAN SEMULAJADI' kepada kulit, Anti Alergy, Anti Virus/bakteria, 20X Vitamin E & 50X Vitamin C dari Oren. Grape Seed adalah lebih hebat dari Minyak Zaitun dan digelar 'Makanan Semulajadi Yang Sempurna' dan merupakan makanan suppliment Bintang2 Hollywood yang terkenal buat masa ini seperti (Oprah Winfrey). RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) kaya dengan Grape seed ini
- L-GLUTHATIONE - 'Super Miracle' substance - Ia digelar 'NO 1 OF ALL ANTIOXIDANT' & 'SUPER POWER ANTI-OXIDANT'. Semua orang yang umurnya melebihi 100 tahun bermakna Gluthatione mereka tinggi. Bila kita diet rendah kalori, Gluthatione pun akan tinggi. Perlu untuk merawat kecederaan & Kesakitan, Powerfull Heavy metal detoxifier (me-nyah unsur2 logam berat dalam tubuh), tingkatkan Enzim & Tenaga tubuh, Anti Kanser yang sangat ampuh
- MARINE COLLAGEN - Kolagen Marin yang terdapat id dalam RxYoung menghilangkan/mengurangkan kedut-kedut pada kulit dan Anti-Penuaan. ianya bagus untuk bina & menyokong kulit yang sihat, gusi, gigi, tulang & rambut yang kuat dan tisu badan yang sihat. Kolagen Marin RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) adalah yang paling sempurna & 'Most natural'
- L-ARGININE - Ia meningkatkan peredaran darah, meningkatkan NO (Nitric Oxide), bagus untuk kesihatan Jantung, menghindarkan masalah ED (Erectyle Dysfunction) - Berita baik kepada golongan lelaki, menyembuhkan luka & mencerahkan kulit
- BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids) - Amino Acid & B3, B6, B12 & Vitamin C, mengandungi EAA, Body building & Maintenance, Mengurangkan sakit-sakit Otot, Meningkatkan Growth Hormone (Hormon Pertumbuhan), Meningkatkan Hemoglobin Darah (Sel darah Merah yg mengangkut Oksigen & Zat2 makanan), Meningkatkan Serotonin, Anti kemurungan, Rasa Aktif & Melindungi Hati
- D-RIBOSE & FOS - 'Energizer' & meningkatkan Bakteria Baik (probiotik)
- ROSSELLE - Anti-Oksida yang kuat, Anti-Penuaan, Anti-Kedut, Memberikan Warna & Rasa asli untuk produk RxYoung (the Fountain Of Youth) ini
- Kedut2 pada kulit berkurangan
- Kulit lebih Licin
- Meningkatkan Tenaga
- Mningkatkan Kekuatan
- Meningkatkan Daya Tahan penyakit (Sistem Imun tubuh)
- Menguatkan pergerakan tubuh
- Meningkatkan Tenaga batin
- Meningkatkan Memori
- Meningkatkan Aura
- Mengurangkan Penyakit Tua
- Mengembalikan Bentuk Tubuh yang menarik
- Tidur Lebih Nyenyak
- Rasa lebih bersemangat
- Menghindar penyakit-penyakit Kronik
Hubungi saya SHAHRUL FITRI/SABREENA 0167673789 (MSIA) atau 98605563 (SPURA) atau fax 07-2369789 untuk mendapatkan produk ini atau hubungi wakil2 kami di SINI
RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) Drink is the latest product innovation by renown Medical Doctor, Malaysian Wellness Guru & Cancer Survivor, Dr. Noordin Darus.
RxYoung (Fountain of Youth) drink is a unique formulation combining 5 of the best anti-aging miracle ingredients known in the world today to help protect and rejuvenate our cells by activating a specific gene to maintain youthfulness and prolonging cell replication process
It is the first of its kind anti-aging suppliment that will not only make you look Young, but also feels young.
After consuming in just 15 days RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) Drink, you would feel / looks 5 years younger.
Now let us consider in detail the unique Active Ingredients in the product RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) which is great
1. Resveratrol (RxV) -It is the most powerful anti oxidant and an 'Anti-Aging Catalyst'. The POWERFUL ANTI-AGING SUBSTANCE IN THE WORLD that is referred to as 'THE FRENCH PARADOX 100 YEARS OLD' in CNN, ABCNews, FOX News , CBS &; Fortune Magazine and called "The Best Anti-Aging Miracle '. Resveratrol (RxV) was discovered by Western scientists as they study the 'peculiarities' that occurs on a Diet French more directly than Americans like to eat meat, fat & high in calories, but they have a the lowest heart problems. Their skin & body look younger than they are the same age as American. When reviewed, they often drank Red Wine that have high rates of Resveratrol. Resveratrol is identified as a substance that acts to 'ON' the switch of the chromosome’s SIRTUIN. Sirtuin is the resistance genes that activates the natural protector of our body against disease & aging (Survival genealogy activating natural Deffences The Body Against Diseases & promote Youthfullness). Resveratrol also fight cellular damage from free radicals (Main contributors to aging) are very effective, supports heart health and increase the cognitive functions (always vibrant & passionate). It intensified the process of 'Apoptosis' (ie a replacement rate of re-balancing the dead cells with new cells - Every minute, millions of our cells will die and be replaced by a new ones, Apoptosis is the process of balancing the 'timing' of this process and its very powerfull to curb cancer disease. Therefore, Resveratrol effectively prevent cancer. Resveratrol in RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) Drink is not taken from Red Wine (because it contains alcohol), but Dr. Noordin Darus took Resveratrol (RxV) from a special herb called the ‘Japanese Knotweed’ which has high concentration of active Resveratrol. 1 sachet RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) contains RxV of up to 10 bottles of Red Wine (without even a single drop of alcohol)
RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) Anti-Aging is the only suppliment IN MALAYSIA using Resveratrol (RxV)
2. Acai Berry -- It is well known in the Amazon rainforest and the Indian called ‘Super Food’. It gives us good night's sleep, promote detoxification process, enhance immune system, improve Sexual desire ;improve eyesight (Vision). It is powerful to curb the disease of Cardiovascular & Anti-urinary Tract infections (UTI)
3. Pomegranate -- It stimulate proliferation of DNA to 'tighten skin', Increase Detoxification process, reduce inflammation, Anti-Wrinkle, with Vitamin A, C, E & folate acid. It’s 3X more powerful Anti-oxidant than Wine, Anti arthritis, Anti Anemia, prevent diabetes, improve blood circulation, reduce stomach problems, hair and dental care & IMPROVE 'SEXY AURA' (pomegranates regulates hormons generating forms makes women looks more sexy & feminine)
3. Grape Seed - Contains Vitamin D, increase collagen, improve digestion & Prostate Health, Protects from UV rays, give 'NATURAL ELASTICITY' to the skin, Anti-Allergy, Anti Virus / bacteria, 20X Vitamin E & 50 times Vitamin C than an orange. Grape Seed is more powerful than Olive Oil and nicknamed 'The Perfect Natural Foods' and is a food supplement for famous Hollywood Star at this time as Oprah Winfrey. Grape seed promotes healthy & young skin. RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) is rich in Grape Seed
4. L-GLUTHATIONE -"Super Miracle 'substance - It is called" NO 1 OF ALL antioxidant' & 'SUPER POWER anti-oxidant. All people aged more than 100 years means their Gluthatione is high. If we are a low calorie diet, will also be high in Gluthatione. Gluthatione is important to treat injuries & pain, Powerful Heavy metal detoxifier, increase the body Energy & Enzymes, a powerful Anti-Cancer substance
5. Marine Collagen
Collagen Marine found in RxYoung eliminates / reduces wrinkles on the skin and an Anti-Aging catalyst .It is good to build & support healthy skin, gums, teeth, bones & hair. Promote strong and healthy body tissue. Marine Collagen in RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) Drink is the most complete & 'Most natural'
6. L-Arginine -
- It improves blood circulation, increased NO (Nitric Oxide), good for heart health, prevent ED problems (Erectyle dysfunction) - Good news for men, heal wounds & lighten skin
7. BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids) -
- Amino Acid, B3, B6, B12 & Vitamin C, containing EAA, Body building & maintenance, reduce muscle aches, increase Growth Hormone, increase blood hemoglobin (red blood cell), increase serotonin, anti depression & protect Heart
8. D-RIBOSE & FOS - "Energizer" and increase the good bacteria (probiotics)
- a powerful anti-oxidant, rich in Vitamin C, Anti-Aging, Anti-Wrinkles, provide natural color & flavor to the product RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) drink
The effects of taking RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth):
• Decreased wrinkles on skin
• Make Skin more Smooth
• Improve Energy
• Improve strength
• Improve the body immune system
• Strengthening body movements
• Increase mental energy
• Improve Memory
• Improve Aura
• Reduced Age related Diseases
• Restoring an attractive body shape
• Sleep more soundly
• Feel more energetic
• prevent chronic diseases (Heart Disease, Cancer, Stoke, High Blood pressure, memory problems, joint & muscle disease, Erectyle dysfunction , mental energy, eyes, ears, digestion problems, etc.)
4 Diet Mistakes That Age you
Mistake #1: You avoid all animal protein.
Why it’s aging you: You may lack of vitamin B12. which is essential for energy.
Found only in foods that are derived from animals, this nutrient helps regulate your metabolism and energy production and is key to maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system. “Fatigue is a classic sign of B12 deficiency, which usually occurs in people who don’t eat very much animal protein,” says Danine Fruge, MD, associate medical director of the Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa in Miami. Chewing a lot of antacids to relieve heartburn can also lead to B12 deficiency because antacids interfere with B12 absorption.
Food Fix: Have two servings of nonfat dairy foods, such as fat-free milk or nonfat yogurt, and 3 to 4 ounces of lean protein daily. Good sources of B12 include seafood such as fish, clams, oysters, and mussels, as well as lean beef and pork, chicken, and fortified cereal.
Supplement Solution
Take 500 to 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 in tablet form every day to raise and maintain your B12 levels.
Inspiring chicken dinners that are weeknight-quick!
Mistake #2: You avoid supplements.
Why it’s aging you: You miss manganese and copper, which help prevent joint pain.
Because manganese and copper are both essential for maintaining joint cartilage and flexibility, “in most cases, supplementing these nutrients reverses the joint deterioration and eliminates the pain,” says Dale Peterson, MD, director of the Comprehensive Wellness Center in Sapulpa, OK. “The body can actually repair a significant amount of damage if it’s given the proper support.”
Food Fix: Nuts, beef, and spinach are good sources of these nutrients, but you won’t be able to eat enough to get all your copper and manganese, so opt for a supplement, Dr. Peterson advises. Take 2 mg of copper and 5 mg of manganese each day. Within 2 to 3 months, your joints should feel less painful.
Supplements that help you avoid disease
Mistake #3: You avoid fish and fat.
Why it’s aging you: Fish and healthy oils (like olive) offer the best source of omega-3 essential fatty acids ,which help prevent memory loss.
“These fatty acids are part of the brain’s building blocks,” explains Andrew Weil, MD, director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. “If you’re not getting enough in your diet, the architecture of the brain becomes weak, and brain function, including memory, suffers.” But it’s not only the amount of omega-3s that’s important; the balance between omega-3s and omega-6s is equally crucial. “Our diets are flooded with omega-6 fatty acids, mostly from processed foods,” says Dr. Weil. “The more omega-6s you eat, the more omega-3s you need to balance your levels. Most of us aren’t eating enough omega-3s and are eating too many omega-6s.”
Food Fix: First, reduce your consumption of refined and processed foods much as possible, and cook with olive or canola oil. Then, eat 3 1⁄2 ounces of wild salmon and 3 1⁄2 ounces of herring, sardines, or halibut each week. Add 2 tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed to cereal, whole grain side dishes, or shakes daily, and garnish salads or cereal with 1 tablespoon of walnuts 5 days a week. Finally, enjoy 9 to 12 almonds 4 times a week.
Supplement Solution
Take at least 2,000 mg of fish oil daily.
Look for 1,000 mg capsules of combined docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
A salmon burger non fish- fans will crave!
Mistake #4: You favor packaged foods over whole.
Why it’s aging you: Packaged foods are high in blood pressure–spiking sodium—and fresh fruits and veggies contain blood pressure–lowering potassium.
“Having too little potassium in your diet magnifies the toxic effects of excessive salt intake,” Dr. Fruge says. Most processed foods have added sodium but no extra potassium, so if your meals come from boxes, you’re likely at risk. Worsening the situation, when your kidneys try to flush out the salt, you lose even more potassium. “The imbalance damages blood vessels, driving up blood pressure,” Dr. Fruge notes. “Eating better can correct the problem—I’ve seen people drop thirty points in three days.”
Food Fix: Cut your sodium consumption to no more than 1,500 mg per day, and eat seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
What fruit and/or veggie would you take to a dessert island?

What if the fountain of youth were in your own kitchen? While we’ve come to expect certain physical and mental changes as an inevitable part of getting older, the fact is that the foods we eat—or don’t—may speed those processes along, aging us before our time. The reason is simple: “We eat too many processed foods,” says David Katz, MD, director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center. “They’re often high in calories and low in nutrients such as vitamin B12 and omega-3s, so we end up with islands of deficiencies in a sea of excess.” These inadequacies can result in symptoms we tend to assume are due to aging, such as the four below. Work with your doctor to determine whether adjusting your diet or adding a supplement can help you look—and feel—younger.
RxYoung (The Fountain Of Youth) Drink is the newest product innovation by Malaysia’s Renowned Cellular Wellness Guru & Cancer Survivor, Dr. Noordin Darus. It is an anti-aging suppliment suppliment and the first of itd kind in the world and is a suppliment that will not only make us look Young, but also feel YOUNG & HEALTHY than previously.
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this was lamb from a party the other night. just got too many things going on right now to post consistently. work is busy and many move details keep us real busy. and the spring is making it hard not to golf a ton. so sorry bout the delay click here